BBC article on sources of methane and Bluemethane capture solutions
At a moment in time when the world is waking up to the challenge of oil and gas methane emissions, it is heartening to see the BBC recognise the full methane picture and other significant anthropogenic emissions that have previously gone unnoticed.
In this BBC article featuring Bluemethane’s methane capture technology, the BBC identify that water is a major methane source, emitting over 3bn tonnes CO2e each year. That’s almost as much methane as being emitted from oil and gas combined. Beyond scientists, the broader environmental and greater public are starting to recognise the scale of this problem.
The article explains how we can address this methane challenge from water sources including wastewater and hydropower reservoirs through Bluemethane’s methane capture technology. Not only this but, as an industry leader, Bluemethane is addressing the challenge with low energy expenditure, so that the system powers itself.
“Low energy has been our primary design requirement,” says CEO Parlons Bentata. “We want to remove the most methane using the least amount of energy.”
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