After our successful prototype testing in December, where we recorded methane removal efficiencies of 80%, we wanted to share a glimpse of how we develop our technology.
To push the limits of what’s possible and viable with our methane removal technology, we are building the most advanced digital twin of our prototypes with the help of 3D modelling and simulation technologies and soon, real time measuring and monitoring.
It all starts with the basics. Our specialist technical advisors are there to ask the hard questions. Is it thermodynamically possible? Is it cost effective? Is it practical? Not an easy task. With those questions, we go to the drawing board and start doing our calculations, by hand, in Excel and Python.
Once we have an idea of what to expect in terms of performance, it’s time to transform those numbers, charts and sketches into preliminary CAD models – not without applying a pinch of systems engineering first.
Calculations, check; CAD, check; prototype, wait… that’s quite old school actually. Once we have our CAD ready, we can simulate the performance of the system. At Bluemethane, we’re deploying the most advanced 3D simulation models. Through this approach, we now understand, with unprecedented detail, the hydrodynamic behaviour of our technology, along with the gas separation dynamics of not only of methane, but other gases such as carbon dioxide and oxygen, helping us to optimise our processes digitally translating into physical experiments.
With a better understanding of the system, is time to get our hands dirty. We build the prototypes and install the sensors, head to the lab and let the water flow. This is the moment of truth. Did we get our assumptions right or do we have to go back and adjusts our models? In any case, this is probably the most humbling part of the process and regardless of the outcome we can’t wait to get the results of the experiment and challenge our assumptions.
At this point, is time to go back to step 1, rinse and repeat. We’ll keep doing it until we come up with the most efficient and scalable methane removal from water solution in the world.
What’s next? Our development plans don’t stop here. We are going outside the lab, to the field and the plants. We’ll measure, monitor and predict methane emissions from reservoirs and other sources. Stay tuned.